Top 5 Meditation Apps For Busy Women

Posted by Peony Parcel on

You know meditation is good for you. You’ve heard the benefits of mindfulness and know you should be doing it regularly, but you don’t have the time to learn or the money to pay for an expensive course. So, what can you do? Luckily there are a tonne of apps out there that can help you learn to meditate in the comfort of your own home and on your own time.

These are our picks for the Top 5 meditation apps.


Calm is a great place to start if you want to try a meditation app. There are plenty of guided meditations to listen to, along with 7 day and 21 day programs. Perfect for those who want to meditate to help combat sleep issues, as Calm features sleep stories to help you drift off peacefully.

Simple Habit

One of our favourite things about this app is that is features so many different styles and facilitators. There are loads of themes to choose from, depending on how you are feeling that day, meaning your meditation routine doesn’t need to become repetitive. It also really helps you turn your practice into a habit that you can keep for life.

10% Happier

This app is perfect for sceptics, or those who think they can’t meditate. It features videos and guided meditations, and one of the standouts of this app is the quality of teachers. It’s pretty incredible that you could learn from some of the most influential minds in mindfulness in the world, just by downloading an app on your smart phone!

Smiling Mind   

Smiling Mind is an Australian non-profit organisation and their app offers guided mindfulness programs to help you learn to meditate. We love the mission of Smiling Mind which is to make mindfulness accessible to all people, plus all the programs have been created by psychologists and educators.

Insight Timer

This free app is a perfect addition to an existing meditation habit. There are thousands of guided meditations to listen to, as well as inspiring and educational talks. However, its main feature is the meditation timer. You can choose a length, starting and/or ending bells and sounds as well as ambient sounds for your meditation. We like the Kangse bell and the Limitless background music.


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